Steering Group

Prof. Matthias Schulze
German Institute of Human Nutrition, Germany (coordinator)
The Department of Molecular Epidemiology at the German Institute of Human Nutrition (DIfE), led by Matthias Schulze, has long-standing experience in epidemiologic research on dietary determinants of T2DM risk based on large-scale population-based studies, in particular, the EPIC-Potsdam cohort study. The research has specifically focused on FA biomarkers of intake and metabolism (phospholipid composition, lipidomics) and their relation to T2DM, also in the context of genetic interactions. The group has substantial experience in complex statistical modelling, e.g. with regard to biomarker mediation effects and dietary pattern analysis. Also, FA profiling of PREDIMED, FLAVURS and CIRCLES samples will be carried out by the group as an ‘in kind’ contribution.
Photo: Till Budde/DIfE

Prof. José López-Miranda
University of Cordoba, Spain
José López-Miranda is Director of the Department of Internal Medicine at the Reina Sofia University Hospital, University of Cordoba (UoC), Spain. Prof. López-Miranda is Principal Investigator of CORDIOPREV study and director of the nutrigenomic group of the Andalusian Research Plan. The group participating in this project will be the Lipids and Atherosclerosis Unit, Department of Medicine of RSUH, ascribed to IMIBIC. The group is dedicated to the research excellence in nutrigenomic, biomedicine, physical activity and bioscience to facilitate translation into public health.

Prof. Miguel Ángel Martínez González
University of Navarra, Spain
The Department of Preventive Medicine & Public Health at the University of Navarra (UoN), led by Miguel Ángel Martínez González, has wide expertise in nutritional epidemiology, especially focused on MedDiet and its effects on chronic disease. For this purpose, the Department is involved in three large-scale longitudinal studies: the SUN dynamic and prospective cohort and the PREDIMED and PREDIMED-PLUS RCTs.

Prof. Julie Lovegrove
University of Reading, UK
The Hugh Sinclair Unit of Human Nutrition at the University of Reading (UoR), led by Julie Lovegrove, is internationally recognized for conducting randomised controlled human dietary intervention studies investigating the impact of dietary factors on health promotion and CVD risk reduction. A particular strength is the development and application of validated food exchange models for successful manipulation of dietary fats (DIVAS, LIPGENE SATgene, RESET) and polyphenols (FLAVURS) in free-living populations without impact on other dietary components.

Prof. Anne Marie Minihane
University of East Anglia, UK
Anne Marie Minihane leads the Nutrigenetics Group at Norwich Medical School, University of East Anglia (UEA). The research focus is investigating the independent and interactive impact of select dietary components (in particular n-3 FAs and flavonoids) and common gene variants on cardiometabolic health, including insulin sensitivity, vascular health and liver fat. Much of the research (including SATgene, FLAVURS and CIRCLES) uses human intervention trial methodologies, but a variety of wild-type and transgenic rodent models and cell and molecular techniques to investigate underlying physiological and molecular mechanisms inform the foci of our RCTs. Genotyping approaches include targeted SNP analysis along with the whole gene or exon sequencing.